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The University Competence Center Medicine - Ethics - Law Helvetiae (MERH) is now offering the postgraduate study programme "CAS Rare Diseases – An Interdisciplinary Approach" at the University of Zurich. The concept of the CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) was developed by MERH in collaboration with the University Research Priority Program Innovative Therapies in Rare Diseases (URPP ITINERARE).
The CAS Rare DiseasesUZH is a part-time study programme that provides participants with a compact overview of the relevant areas of rare diseases. Participants will be introduced to the latest research findings on rare diseases, which will then be discussed in the context of their own knowledge. It also discusses the medical, legal and ethical challenges that arise in practice.
The CAS is divided into 10 modules. The basic module focuses on the interdisciplinary introduction to the field of rare diseases and the legal and ethical principles. The nine in-depth modules deal with interdisciplinary issues relating to rare diseases. In addition, participants are given the opportunity to explore the topics relevant to them in essays, group work and a written thesis.
Personal support to the participants is provided by the members and management of the MERH Competence Center and the URPP ITINERARE. In addition to the specialist knowledge that one acquires as a CAS participant, the course also offers the opportunity to expand one's network and to engage in a well-founded exchange with experts on questions that arise in one's professional field.
This CAS can be combined with the CAS MedLawUZH to become the DAS (Diploma of Advanced Studies) MedLawUZH.
More information can be found in the Flyer CAS Rare Diseases 2024/2025